Use the form below to submit your order.

If you have more than 1 item to submit use the “Add another item” at the bottom

Order Form

Your Details

Address to deliver COA
Address to deliver COA

Item Details

Is the Item signed?

Please upload images of your memorabilia item. Include at least 1 or 2 images of the item as a whole (eg, front & back, etc.)

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Accepted formats: jpeg, jpe, jpg, gif or png

Upload one close up image with highest resolution for each autographs. Please ensure each autograph is clearly visible and complete with highest resolution possible.

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Accepted formats: jpeg, jpe, jpg, gif or png

If you have any provenance, paperwork or prior letters of authenticity or photos to help establish that the item is genuine, please upload them here.

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Accepted formats: jpeg, jpe, jpg, gif, png or pdf